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Jeff Sell, JD, ASA Board "TITLE: Vaccine Injuries: Legal Issues and Autism
Tuesday, October 22nd at 7 p.m. (Eastern), Note portions of the text have been edited for
spelling and grammatical errors, while other text with errors was left in tact
in the context of the
Rebecca: Jeff Sell, JD, ASA Board, Vaccine Injuries: Legal Issues
and Autism Rebecca: Hello and Welcome to our talkAutism Specialty Chat.
If you have a question for our Host Guest Speaker, Jeff Sell, JD, ASA Board,
Vaccine Injuries: Legal Issues and Autism. Just type a "?" in the room.
The names will be taken in order received. When you are cued, Please hold your
questions until ready to post. Thanks! Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Howdy--sorry
I'm late Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Ready to start--thanks for coming Lemho:
Jeff, do you have a child who is autistic? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Yep--8
year-old twins. Rebecca: Lemho, Lets let Jeff start with a brief
introduction, Then we can post a ? if we have questions
;) Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Hi Ron--here is my bio, 1st VP of ASA, Gov't
Relations Committee Chair, Founder of the Vaccine Injury Alliance and DAD of
4 Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: DAD of 4 little ones being the most important--cue
me when we are ready--ok Ms Moderator? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Well, I am
ready to answer any questions y'all may have and make cheeky comments about Ron,
where shall we begin--Questions? CL_Dusty: Mr. Sell I was reading about the
series of shots, 15 since birth, I may have missed something, but those shots
because how they are given out maybe one of the causes of autism? Is that what
you were explaining Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Yes--that is the theory that has
emerged. CL_Dusty: Ok so the amounts given out or the
timing? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: There are two separate, but related
theories--- 1. The MMR, and 2. Thimerosal Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Thimerosal
is 49.6 % ethyl mercury, not a good thing to be injecting into a developing
child all agree. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: I am a slow
typist!!!!!!! Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Great discussion at our website- Moderator: Patti has a question Jeff Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Fire
away Moderator: ( think Patti is busy typing ) Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: She
types like I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Just teasing
Patti Pattib: Are you informed as to any of the current lawsuits
pending? I am not participating but I feel this will force the
truth. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Yes--I am handling 1864 of them
presently. Moderator: class action? Lemho: Lord have
mercy Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: They have swallowed my life over the past 3
years Donnac: We are grateful to you buddy :-) Lemho:
amen CL_Dusty: What I don't understand is… it's clear there's a cause
here. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Just doing what a dad of autistic twins needs
to do !!!!!!! Pattib: I bet they have are you making progress towards
the truth. CL_Dusty: Why are parents feeling forced to do this? The school's
policy? Our gov't ??? Rebecca: ( public school policies here
) Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Mandated vaccines with very little safety studies
behind them in a nutshell. CL_Dusty: That's what I don't
understand. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: I fear it all boils down to
$$$$$$$$$ CL_Dusty: So we are injecting our children with
poison? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Vaccinations are a billion dollar
industry. Donnac: And we have expenses out the wazoo that nobody wants to
help with so we gotta hit em where it counts. CL_Dusty: Yet if we don't
we get arrested because our children have to go to school.
ugh Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Mercury was technically removed in 1999, but some
vaccines with mercury are still on the shelves. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board:
Dusty, there are exemptions in every state. CL_Dusty: Enlighten me
plueez. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: What state are you in?? If I may
ask? CL_Dusty: North Carolina CL_Dusty: Pay out the nose for medical
care in North Carolina. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: NC has a religious
exemption--I am a Catholic and that is what I used for my 5 yr old
daughter. Pattib: Do you have anything to link vaccinations and moms having
dental work done while pregnant specifically? Do you know when the warnings came
out telling dentists not to use amalgam on pregnant or lactating
women? CL_Dusty: sorry not catholic here Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: I
asserted the exemption (there is aborted fetal tissue in some vaccines) and no
questions were asked!! Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Any religion will do just
fine. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Patti--yes, we sure
do. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Dental amalgam is a separate area, but we do have
moms that had dental work done. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Warnings--First came
out in 1998 Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Safety is still being argued--Congress
may act on the amalgam issue very soon. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Good
question!!!! Ron: I read on your bio that if you think your child was injured
by vaccines, you only have up to 3 years to do anything about it. Is there
any way around this? What proof do you need to file a
suit? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: I am more focused on vaccines
however. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Ok--good question Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board:
No, not unless HR 3741 passes. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: The 3 yr limitations
period is an unfair rule in the context of regressive
autism. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: HR 3741 will make the NVICP fairer, as it was
intended by Congress to be. Ron: If you are in the 3 year period, what kind
of proof do you need? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Peer reviewed studies generally
speaking. Pattib: How close are you to the truth from the
government? Ron: Jeff, what does peer reviewed studies mean to
families? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: VERY CLOSE thanks to our friends in
Congress with autistic Grandchildren. Rebecca: aha! guess it has hit
home huh Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: The FDA is producing 3.6 million pages of
documents next week--yuk, a lot of reading to do. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board:
Yes--amazing what happens when folks are touched by autism--They do the right
thing. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Yes--Ron--does that mean you want to ask a
question???? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: or explain a bit more??? Ron: Sorry
for the extra? Guest101: Jeff, will any of the lawsuits that have been filed
as of now be going thru to trial, our atty in nys has referred us to the nvic,
as Ashcroft has stifled the existing procedure somewhat??? Ron: Yes -- what
can families do to provide info needed for their own
case? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: OK Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Yes--all cases
must go into the NVICP to start with Moderator: What is
NVICP? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Then, if the claim is denied or not enough $$
is offered, you have preserved your rights and off to civil court you
go. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: oops--the NVICP stands for the National Vaccine
Injury Compensation Program created in 1986. Guest101: I guess we must
backtrack and start there...we did not have a real adverse reaction to any
particular vaccine but still ended up with autism. I did not know how an nvic
suit would work in that case. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: It is more difficult if
there was not a clear regression. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: But, if evaluated
mercury levels are detected or gut issues present, our experts can
explain. Guest101: There was a clear regression, but not any obvious adverse
reaction to one or a combo. of vaccines, no fever, rash,
etc. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Did the regression coincide with a series of
vaccines??? or a particular event? Guest101: He regressed slowly from about a
year old into moderate to severe autism, not from a particular
event. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Sounds like my son Joe. Guest101: He is
chelating and has passed a significant amount of metal including
mercury. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: We have since done a biopsy and discovered
the measles virus in his gut--the Andy Wakefield
theory. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Chelating with DMSA and ALA?? Guest105:
Are you using Glutathyon? Guest101: Austin will end up at Dr Kreigsman's in
NYC sooner than later for the same scope! and yes dmsa/ala and supposed to start
mt promoter in December. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Hope you are seeing positive
behavioral changes as well as getting the mercury
out!!!! Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Dr Krigsman is a friend and great
doc. Pattib: How about a child who in Dec 92 got the hib shot at birth?
Aren't there specific problems with that one so early? We also have regression
but I can't say he was ever ok. But he's definitely worse
now Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: No on the Glutithion
question Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Now the 1992 question… More problems
with the HepB at birth!! Donnac: Yes, How is HR 3741 doing right
now? Pattib: That's the one I mean sorry. Guest105: We have had great
success with that as well seeing Dr. Bock Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: But Hib did
have 25 mcg of mercury in it. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Yes, we have several
HepB cases. That one really bothers me Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Why give it at
birth if we are not in a high risk category? Rebecca: agrees
whole-heartedly. Guest105: well said Pattib: Can or do you say that that
one started the spiral downward and the rest were just icing on the
cake Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: I was not worried about my guys shooting up or
having sex at 1 day old! Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Yes--started the immune
problems clearly!!!! Guest105: You are in Texas though. Pattib: As I
stated I don't think he was ever ok Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Yep, but I have
cases in all 50, plus the UK and Canada. Rebecca: ( why can not some
immunizations wait till the babies gain better immune systems, esp with preemies
) Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: I like friends!!!!!!!!! Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board:
Rebecca--AMEN Amanda: My son was a preemie and we waited a few weeks on some
of his immunizations. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: We can
wait Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Wise medical choice Donnac: How is HR 3741
doing right now? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: As a result of this litigation
I hope to see 2 things 1--safer vaccine policy (not one size fits all) and 2.
A TREATMENT Guest105: If we filed originally under the MMR cases are we
automatically grandfathered into the mercury issue if we can prove mercury was
used simultaneously. Callyflower: Does mercury have to be coming out in huge
amounts to have a viable case? Mercury has come out in steady, moderate
amounts. However, tin was WAY off the charts, for quite a while during
chelation. And gut bugs---don't get me started! Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board:
105--Yes, we are doing that Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Callyflower--steady
amounts are evidence. Callyflower: oh, good! Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board:
Does not need to be huge amounts. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Yes--CC&H is
working with our team-- Guest105: So far we have chelated around 38
micrograms of mercury. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: wow--that is a lot of
Hg Guest105: That is just what we caught Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Should
have never been used as a preservative in the first
place! Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Good point, how much passed
naturally? Snowbear: ( I hear some people say they want SAFE vaccines but
others argue for NO vaccines saying none are safe or very effective, so what is
the general thing you advocate? 'you' means your group or asa, not necessarily
you personally. ) Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Whew, I'm getting dizzy--did I miss
any questions? Guest105: No clue been at this over a year Snowbear: Did
you see it? I think I just hit 'think message' Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: SAFE
VACCINES!!!!! Jennyw94: Jeff you missed Donnac, she asked how hr 3741 is
coming along Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: No Thimerosal and split the MMR until I
see just 1 safety study, just 1. Guest105: That is where most of us
are Snowbear: Are there any safe vaccines as an
example? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: OK--HR 3741 is moving very well Guest105:
No one really believes in no vaccines just safety. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board:
Some say "no vaccines" I promise Guest105: Jeff we sent a message to
Forrester today telling him he either publicly denounces Frist our he loses our
support. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Beth Clay was just at my house this past
weekend Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: HR 3741 may get out of Committee
soon Guest105: A republican in your house Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Ha
Ha! Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Go figure Pattib: Do you have to chelate under
a Dr's care and test for the mercury to get proff? Now my pediatrician looks me
right in the eye and says it's not the vaccines that caused this. Vaccines are
safe. So he really isn't helping me chelate. So I will have no
evidence. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: I would suggest finding a new doc if
you can. People tell me that all the time. Pattib: Any ideas in
western mass? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: I bet I can find you one. Guest105:
How far from Albany? Guest105: Dr. Boch is just
south. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Have you checked the DAN list on the ARI
website? Jteague: My son was a preemie and the hospital still gave him the
hep b vaccine. Then all during his well checks his ped kept giving him all
of his vaccines even though he was on antibiotics for ear infections. He
just recently at 3 1/2 stopped getting ear
infections. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Oh, Tim Buie is in Boston! Ron:
DAN doctors and others can be found geographically in expert Find Guest105:
Great!!!! Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Thanks Ron!! Pattib: No I thought dan
docs were few and far between. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: H2epB to a preemie is
a problem. Jteague: He was 6 weeks early Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board:
wow Jteague: How would I know if it was the vaccines Jodi1687: my was 15
weeks early Guest105: 6 weeks early and got
vaccines Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Dr Bock--is good I hear Jteague:
that caused his autism Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Do you think they
did? Guest105: Yes Jeff he really cares and works with many heart patients as
well Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Evelated mercury levels are the first
indication Jteague: I don't know, I want to say they did but, how would I
find out? Guest105: Been doing chelation for over 15
years Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Wow--experience surely matter Jteague: What
is chelation? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Chelation is used to remove heavy
metals Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: DMSA and ALA are what is commonly
used Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: yes Momtobandj: Is there some place to find
out what types of cases you are taking? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: my website…
or just e-mail me Jteague: We just found out in April that T has
autism. Where do we go in Tennessee for testing? Or help for that
matter for the vaccine injury? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: We have cases in
TN. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Now, for a good doc, I would need to contact a
friend. Jennyw94: I am sure mercury is the culprit for my child, but had him
tested and there was no mercury in his system. Will that hinder the case
-- does that mean mercury isn't to blame? If not the mercury, could it be
the MMR --I hadn't been really thinking in that direction. But I know the
regression was happening over the course of the
vaccines. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: No, not necessarily a problem. Depends on
how long the mercury was in his system. Amanda: Mercury causes
autism? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: and where it is stored--ie--hard to dram out
of the brain in older kids Jennyw94: He was 1-2 years old over the course of
all those shots, had the blood test at around age 4-5. Autismom30: Michelle
here we met in Washington unlocking autism rep Michigan. Pattib: Are you
suing the dr's and vaccine manufactures or a better question did the doctors
know any better was it there responsibility? Jteague: We noticed a regression
about the time that T had his MMR but, I have never paid any attention to the
fact that it happened around the same time. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Hey,
Jenny, what kind of testing was done? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Just the
Manufacturers Pattib: Did the doctors know better? Jennyw94: Jeff, blood
test. Other than that I am afraid I am a bit ignorant. I just told them I
wanted him tested for mercury, and they drew blood --as for any particular test,
I'd have to get a copy of is records. Autismom30: I seen some talk about
blindness & eye disorders on other chat sight u herd anything about
it Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Docs are hard to blame since they have been doing
what the FDA, CDC and NIH recommend. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Yes--on the
blindness issues Guest10: Getting those 3 to change is our real
problems Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Yep--that is true, but I'm not giving
up Guest105: neither am I Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: AMEN Guest105: When
are we doing another conference together? Autismom30: Blake was diagnosed
with dewayns syndrome after his mmr where he has no peripheral vision his eyes
were fine till then. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: I know your not
105!!!!!! Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: I have seen that in the
literature Pattib: I listen to cnbc alot and they are always talking
about pharmaceutical co's and never mention pending litigation on vaccine issues
in other words, their stock prices go down Autismom30: Like he sustained
damage to his eye socket his is diagnosed as of unknown
origin Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: What --change it to Jeff and spell it the
right way!!!!!! Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Just did an interview with ABC--hope
CNBC gets on board too. Autismom30: I also received the paper work to fill
out from the texal law firm on going after the pharmaceutical companies I need
to go get Blake tested for mercury & he's been recently diagnosed with
gastro problems Pattib: when will we see the
interview Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: don't know--this fall I am
told Snowbear: Is the vaccine injury compensation program different for each
state or the same for the entire US? Autismom30: Blake like many of the kids
missed the three yr limit to report to vaccine
compensation Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Pieces aired in Dallas on WFAA a few
weeks ago Autismom30: herd about it way to late Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: No
it is a Federal Program Jteague: How old do you have to be to report to the
vaccine compensation? Autismom30: but I reported the mmr reaction to his
doctors aren't they suppossed to report it? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: The NVICP
is set up under the US Court of Federal Claims in DC Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board:
any age Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: We have adults and children as
clients Jteague: what is the 3 yr limit
then? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board:3 years from the first manifestation of
injury Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: It will change to 6 soon Autismom30: cant I
get him in the vaccine compensation under the paper I have from his neurologist
where I reported it & his doc put mmr in the paper work? Pattib:
still too late Jteague: WOW!!! I am very interested in finding
out about this. How would I know which one caused his
injury? Moderator: . o O ( Sorry to say that our hr is up, we can and
will have a transcript of this on the Autism boards ) Austismcampaign2:
Do you know where the FRIST BILL is standing right
now? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: It is a fact question in all cases, never say
never until a good lawyer looks at your situation Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: The
First Bill is dead Jteague: Thank Goodness....I voted against
it!!!!!!! Pattib: How can I report it when I had all assurances from my
Dr that vaccines weren't the problem Jteague: and I am from
TN Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: A compromise bill is on my desk--drafted by Sen.
Kennedy Ron: Jeff- thanks a lot for a real interesting chat -- we want
to get you home to the family at some point too Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Thank
you Ron and Rebecca Austismcampaign2: How do we get a copy of the
script since I missed most of it due to work :( Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board:
Anyone can e-mail me anytime Mark: it will be posted on
autism Ron: Great job, Jeff and moderator. Give us a week to get
the transcript posted on , and Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: oops--anyone going to DAN--look me
up Cangeoff: Jeff we have a bill in Trenton s1855 to add a $1.00
surcharge to motor vehicle violations to fund autism research. Autismom30:
Jeff if u report a vaccine injury to your doctor do they have an obligation to
report it to vaccine injury? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: yes--docs must
report Austismcampaign2: My child with autism is almost five and I have
just figured out since April she is vaccine injured can I still claim
it Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: I love s1855 Autismom30: I was wondering if I
could get Blake in a loop hole maybe lol cause it was technically reported just
didn't know about nvic back then Cangeoff: we are through health
committees now need appropriations Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Yes--you can still
file--we would take the case I bet Snowbear: thank you Jeff. I
will read the transcripts. Are we allowed to post transcripts in other autism
groups? or should be put a link to someplace here? Jteague: What kind
of information does your firm need to take a case? Austismcampaign2: I
have the hair metal test done already and metabolic testing if that
helps Mark: Jeff, you ought to have someone from your office post over
on the boards in talk Autism board area a few links Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board:
We have a New Case Inquiry form on my website Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Can
do Ron: Snowbear, there will be a link here, but you can cut and paste
elsewhere as well Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Austismcampaign2: I have the hair metal test done already and
metabolic testing if that helps" Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: That would help and
send a copy Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board:
Moldy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Austismcampaign2: ok I will, do many send that in
with their form?? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Still in the rent
house Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: argghhhhhh Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Don't go
there Jteague: what kind of mold is it? Cangeoff: no wonder
you don't return phone calls Cangeoff: lol Hrk: My daughter is
just a year old and not formally diagnosed with autism yet. She has all of
the age-appropriate symptoms and we have been working with a DAN doctor. Her
problems started after her 2 month vaccines and got progressively worse.
Because she had 4 shots at the same time I cannot point to which vaccines caused
the problem. Is it worth perusing?
Thanks. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: toxic black
mold--staccyobactris(sic) Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Hrk--if you think it is, I
do as well Austismcampaign2: Jeff are there any specific files you need
to file? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Hrk--I think we could help--I would take a
look at your situation if you wish Hrk: There is no doubt in my mind
that it is vaccine related. I have paperwork from NVIC but haven't filed
yet. Her pediatrician will not support us. Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: The
VAERS reporting paperwork you mean?? Austismcampaign2: or any that you
would like us to send with the form and what is the cost Hrk: Yes,
VAERS Austismcampaign2: like medical records etc if so which ones do
you like to see besides hair metal, which I know, would be
important Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: I need to get home, so if anyone needs me,
my e-mail is
OK? Jteague: no joke. This was great....and I just found
it by mistake from the email community Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: NO
COST!!!!!!! Cangeoff: Jeff I want to discuss CCand H more they are not
following up and Danny has huge data Ron: Cangeoff -- Toronto is Geneva
Center convention Ron: 1800 people plus... Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board:
CC&H has some issue--let's talk tomorrow -- OK Austismcampaign2:
really none at all what is the percentage you get when it
settles Austismcampaign2: I will send the forms in thanks you made this
alot easier for me to decide Austismcampaign2: Jeff are you sure you
will take my case? Austismcampaign2: I tried a lawyer here and he would
not touch it Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: Need the right
lawyer!!!!!!! Austismcampaign2: he was one of the highest paid lawyers
here Austismcampaign2: true thanks for the vote of
confidence Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: wow--experienced in the
NVICP??????? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: I'll certainly take a look at
it Austismcampaign2: can I ask one more I promise then I will leave you
alone? Austismcampaign2: Do lawyers have to take these cases or can
they choose who they take? Jeff_Sell_JD_ASA_Board: They can pick and
choose--just like we parents can pick and choose our
lawyers. Austismcampaign2: ummmmmmm that is kinda sad in a way because
there would probably be more that would file.... But I am grateful I found one
who does Austismcampaign2: I just hope when you decide to help me when
you get my application, you do know me Austismcampaign2: Have a great
night Jeff; Thanks again for the information you have been great!