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Betty Jarusiewicz PhD, CADC
"TITLE: Neurofeedback and Autism"
Tuesday, November 12th at 7 p.m. (Eastern), Note portions of the text have been edited for
spelling and grammatical errors, while other text with errors was left in tact
in the context of the
Rebecca {public msg}
Hello and Welcome to our talkAutism Specialty Chat. If you have a question for
our Host Guest Speaker, Neurofeedback and Autism -- Betty Jarusiewicz PhD, CADC.
Just type a "?" in the room. The names will be taken in order received. When you
are cued, Please hold your questions until ready to post.
Thanks! Moderator{public msg} Dr we usually start about or so
after for all the clocks with different times Onegary {public msg}
Christopher is doing so well, we went on two vacations this year (our first ones
ever) we could not have done that before Neurofeedback Moderator{public msg}
that is wonderful news Gary Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} wow,
that is really great Rebecca {public msg} wow! fantastic Gary! Onegary
{public msg} We are so proud, some people look at Chris and see the challenges,
we see the possibilities and that makes all the difference Betty Jarusiewicz
PH.D. CADC.{public msg} k. I have been working with
Neurofeedback/Neurotherapy/EEG Biofeedback for about years. Have
done research with publishable success. % reduction in autism level
in about months with an average of
sessions. Sos {public msg} ? Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg}
There appears to be no relationship to level of autism and success - so I
believe all can be helped to some degree Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public
msg} The possibilities are huge Onegary {public msg} ? Moderator{public
msg} Dr are you ready for some questions now? Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D.
CADC.{public msg} yes Moderator{public msg} Sos you are first Sos
{public msg} What kind of changes do you see with children with autism after
NF Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} some of the changes are better
sleep, less hyperactivity, more socialization, more verbalization and many
others Sos {public msg} how is nf given to kids Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D.
CADC.{public msg} I have done some research as to most efficient (I used to be
an accountant) . Twice a week provides the most results for the time
spent Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} I see a different question -
how is nf given Moderator{public msg} yes Sos {public msg} Can you explain
what the treatment is like Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} the
answer is that a continuous EEG is taken from the scalp, and clips are put on
the ears. Surprisingly the kids get used to it. Then the child sits in the chair
looking at a game. The game moves when the child's brain is working at a
favorable frequency. Sos {public msg} Is there any discomfort Betty
Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} The child usually really likes it after a
time or two. The child feels much better as his brain has calmed down Sos
{public msg} thank you Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} You may be
interested to know that I too am in the autistic spectrum Moderator{public
msg} what sensation does a child feel going through this? Betty Jarusiewicz
PH.D. CADC.{public msg} Without NF I would not be able to work as I do Betty
Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} The child usually feels a sensation of
calming after a time Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} until that
time, he is engrossed in the game Moderator{public msg} that is so
interesting Moderator{public msg} Onegary you have a ? Betty
Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} This therapy works wonderfully well also for
family members suffering from sleep problems or headaches Onegary {public
msg} We have seen huge improvements with Christopher and I would describe him as
very involved. Here is my ? The changes have been sustained for
over year now, is that it or are there different levels of
improvement building on each other. Sos {public msg} ? Betty Jarusiewicz
PH.D. CADC.{public msg} The way I see it NF is somewhat like roto rooter. After
the blockage is gone everything can commence "normally". There is usually a
bunch of catching up that must happen after NF begins to work Oberleit
{public msg} what in the body is catching up? Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D.
CADC.{public msg} I think that all kinds of development keep building on each
other - no different with NF Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} I find
that stopping for awhile is beneficial and then when some "major" impediment
seems to appear, then NF can be brought in again Onegary {public msg} We are
thrilled with his improvements due to nf, but after his gains from nf and being
sustain, do we need to do nf any longer Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public
msg} The brain is catching up with age type development Onegary {public msg}
thank you Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} For myself, I continue to
do NF when I get into trouble Moderator{public msg} Sos you have
another ? Sos {public msg} I have heard allot of families saying that their
neurologist have recommended NF for seizures. Is this good for
seizures? Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} NF was initially invented
for seizure use Onegary {public msg} ? Rebecca {action} . o O ( wow!
impressive ) Sos {public msg} Can you elaborate Sos {public msg} How does
it help seizures Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} I have a number of
children with seizures who have become seizure free Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D.
CADC.{public msg} The concept behind why this works is that seizures are
frequencies in the brain out of control. NF trains the brain to be self
regulating Sos {public msg} That makes sense Sos {public msg} Is NF
expensive? Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} NF is sort of like going
to a gym and lifting weights. After awhile it is easier to lift heavy items. The
brain, through NF learns how to be under control Rebecca {public msg}
? Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} NF is relatively
inexpensive - $120. for an assessment and $ 60 a session for training is
what we charge Sos {public msg} That sounds reasonable thank
you Moderator{public msg} one Gary you have a ? Onegary {public msg}
I know parents can be trained to us nf at their own house with a purchased or
lease machine- are there any studies showing the positive results are at
least equal to treatment at a center? Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public
msg} Everyone could use NF to become a "peak performer". Many sports figures and
concert artists use NF to be better at what they do Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D.
CADC.{public msg} I have not seen studies regarding the relative effectiveness
of home treatment, but in most cases doing it at home gets it done faster as it
is easily accessible Oberleit {public msg} ? Moderator{public msg}
Rebecca you have a ? Rebecca {public msg} This is very interesting! Can you
explain exactly what it is? As in, a head attachment etc, what it does? Send
something to the brain in sound waves? Is there an age restriction/ time
limit? Rebecca {public msg} per the age of the Autistic child? Betty
Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} Nothing goes into the brain. The EEG
measures the frequencies active in the brain. The therapist sets the computer to
reward the best frequencies for that particular child and for a particular
symptom. The system is also set with inhibits. So the game moves when the brain
gives off the correct frequencies and stops when in wrong frequencies Betty
Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} Basically we are going operant conditioning
of the brain doing not going. There are no age restrictions - we can do babies
through people age 100. Rebecca {public msg} very amazing,
thank you. Moderator{public msg} Is there usually an allot time for
in weeks years or is it on going? Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg}
We usually work for about 4 to 5 months on particular basic problem conditions.
Then stop. If they need more later we get to it later Moderator{public msg}
thank you Moderator{public msg} Ron you have a ? Oberleit
{public msg} Is nf easy to administer? Is it administered the same for an
autistic person as for the 'peak performers'? If not, what's the
difference between the two therapies. Oberleit {public msg} or
approaches Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} NF is very easy to
administer. The hard part is the protocol used. Each person needs different help
for different symptoms Oberleit {public msg} how do you determine
protocol? Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} There are two basic ways
(1) through the experience generated over the last 20 years and (2) use of a
QEEG, which is new and somewhat untried and untrue Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D.
CADC.{public msg} We know quite quickly if the protocol chosen is
working Rebecca {public msg} ? Moderator{public msg} Rebecca has a
? Rebecca {public msg} Do you have any percentages on breakthroughs with
Autistic Children using this since you first began? Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D.
CADC.{public msg} I am not sure what you mean exactly, but there have been only
2 types I have not been able to help. They include those so heavily medicated I
am not dealing with the brain itself, but the drugs, and the other type is when
the family is in such disarray that no one can make positive changes. So far,
every child that did not speak, now speaks Moderator{public msg} what does
the family have to do with not being able to reach child? Rebecca {public
msg} Do you ever ask the parents to not medicate the child the day of
assessment? Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} Children are very
affected by their parents. If the parent is very controlling, the child will be
very cautious about making changes Rebecca {public msg} that is a
shame. Moderator{public msg} ok thank you Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D.
CADC.{public msg} I never ask the parent not to medicate the child. Rebecca
{public msg} perhaps the parent needs medicated :o( Rebecca {public msg} In
order to help the child. Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} I think
that is really often the case Moderator{public msg} Dr, my son had a terminal
illness called Sanfilippo, he had mood swings similar to autism children, would
this have helped him control these? Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg}
In some cases I recommend the whole family do NF, especially if they have a home
unit. Then it is a family issue and not just one person Oberleit {public msg}
? Rebecca {public msg} Are there any Government supported help for people to
get this type of treatment for an un-medicated child in the USA? Betty
Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} It may have helped. I am not familiar with
this condition Rebecca {action} has a friend in Kentucky that could sure use
this. That's why I ask. Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} Some
insurance companies are now paying for this therapy. More all the
time Rebecca {public msg} oh that is great! thanks! Betty Jarusiewicz
PH.D. CADC.{public msg} We will help individuals work with their insurance
companies Moderator{public msg} How would this help someone who (hate
to say it like this but) is normal? Moderator{public msg} when you say you
suggest it for whole families Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} I
don't see many "normal" people because many people have headaches, sleep
problems, PMS problems, pain problems Moderator{public msg} this takes care
of pain also? Moderator{action} . o O ( sorry my mind is boggled at the
concept ) Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} And as I mentioned,
everyone could benefit from being able to multitask even more or do a better job
the first time with additional focus Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public
msg} NF helps many types of pain Moderator{public msg} Ron has a
? Moderator{public msg} thank you Dr Oberleit {public msg} What's a home
unit cost to buy? to lease? How do you the practitioner get the results
from the home nf? (Great news about insurance!) Oberleit {public msg}
Sorry for loading the ?'s on ... more keep coming Rebecca {action} . o O (
this is VERY interesting. We thank you Dr Betty for your responses. ) Betty
Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} the company I get my equipment does not sell
it directly to the general public. People have to have a medical type background
and some sort medical license. Oberleit {public msg} is there a home unit
that does not require medical license? Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public
msg}I lease the equipment for $550 a month, and as many as 6 people can
use it in a family under my supervision. Whoever is trained to administer it in
the home can call me at any time regarding questions. And I require a full look
every 1-3 months, depending Oberleit {public msg} what's a full look
entail? Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} There is no home unit
that I have found that works with the autistic community except for
Neurocybernetics (EEG Spectrum equipment). Each case is different. It may mean
that I make home visits periodically, or it may mean that someone comes in for
about an hour. It depends fully on the needs and desires of the
family. Oberleit {public msg} oic. Thanks dr. betty! Rebecca
{action} has to say one thing, We need more Dr.'s in the World like you DR Betty
;o) Moderator{public msg} Anyone else have a ? How about
you guest? Oberleit {public msg} how do the kids do with leads coming off
their head and ears? guest {public msg} Nothing here, my questions have all
been answered Moderator{public msg} great...we like to hear that guest
{public msg} Thank you for asking Mod. Onegary {public msg} ? Oberleit
{public msg} my son likes pulling things off his body, Band-Aids etc. Betty
Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} We did a school pilot and it was more
difficult as parents were not there. But it wasn't long before all the kids in
the class were sitting calmly doing NF Moderator{public msg} Gary go
ahead Moderator{action} . o O ( Ron you distract their minds and their hands
*S* ) Onegary {public msg} I would like to comment on pulling off
leads Oberleit {action} . o O ( gotcha ) Oberleit {private msg: Rebecca}
you are! Moderator{public msg} sure Gary go ahead Onegary {public msg} As
stated before Chris is very intense and in the beginning I had to hold him and
it was rough at end he would sit quite and no one is more active than
Chris Onegary {public msg} he enjoyed going to the sessions Betty
Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} Thanks Gary. I have found that
90% of the kids like the NF as it makes them feel better Moderator{public
msg} Gary how long has your son been doing it? Onegary {public msg}
? Rebecca {action} just wishes I could get Sharon into these chats. As she
has an Autistic son and no support around her. Moderator{public msg} go ahead
Gary Onegary {public msg} my did it for about a year and improve greatly and
has not done it for over a year now Moderator{public msg} we are being
informal in the last few minutes Moderator{public msg} great that is positive
news Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} I would like to invite anyone
with any questions that were not answered to call me -
- - Onegary {public msg} I know there are
a few different "games" to work on have they expanded the selection are the ones
being used are currently the best Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg}
Yes we have several new ones. One that looks like a pinball game Oberleit
{public msg} thanks. I was wondering about the software choices, and if kids
gravitate towards them Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} Everyone
likes different things. We have a number of choices and find the best
fit Onegary {public msg} I know for Chris we tried several before we found
the one he resounded best to Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} I
personally like the one with stars and fairy dust Oberleit {public msg} any
ones with letters or numbers flying across> Robby's brainwaves would go
thru the roof with those! lol Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} I am
thinking.....we have a pacman, a space race, a pin ball game, a star burst, a
jumping box Moderator{public msg} Dr I would like to say Thank
You for spending this time with us tonight. Very interesting
topic. Rebecca {public msg} Dr Betty, we thank you very much for your
time! We hope to have you back again soon. Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D.
CADC.{public msg} You are welcome Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg}
Thank you Oberleit {public msg} thank you dr. betty. Very informative,
and promising for our kids Onegary {public msg} Thank you dr betty Rebecca
{public msg} Please contact me or Ron if you would like to re-visit
us Oberleit {public msg} thank you also, Ms. Moderator and Mss.
Rebecca Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg} Thanks to all - this is a
great communication device Betty Jarusiewicz PH.D. CADC.{public msg}
good night