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Tuesday, November 26th at 7 p.m. (Eastern), Note portions of the text have been edited for
spelling and grammatical errors, while other text with errors was left in tact
in the context of the
Rebecca {public msg} Hello and Welcome to our talkAutism
Specialty Chat. If you have a question for our Host Guest Speaker, Nancy Cale
(Nancale), VP Unlocking Autism. Just type a "?" in the room. The names will be
taken in order received. When you are cued, Please hold your questions until
ready to post. Thanks! Nancale {public msg} I see we have several Unlocking
autism State Representatives in the room Ron {public msg} all right, UA
reps! Nancale {public msg} ready Rebecca {public msg} Please feel free to
begin with a brief promo and intro Nancale {public msg} UA began almost 4
years ago with the simple goal of collecting picture of children with
autism Tue Nov 26 21:04:45 2002 Nancale {public msg} to show the nation the
face of autism. We have displayed the picture boards for 3 years in Washington,
DC and at many conferences and seminars Ron {public msg} ? Nancale {public
msg} people are amazed when they see the beautiful faces.....they are shocked
because "our children" look just like theirs and I think people are realizing
that if it can happen to our children it can happen to theirs. We have just
started a new drive for pictures Nancale {public msg} our boards have
traveled many miles and are aged and worn Nancale {public msg} so we are
ready to have new ones produced and we want all of you to send in new
pictures Nancale {public msg} Hi Lynn Nancale {public msg} another
Rep! Dylansmom27 {public msg} hi Room , Hi Nancy Nancale {public msg} The
new boards will be flexible and we will be able to roll them up and ship them
across the country Ron {public msg} ? Nancale {public msg} You can get a
release form on our website Nancale {public msg} Excellentbeautiful2002 {public msg} ? Nancale {public msg} We would ask
that you print the form and distribute it to your local groups and
schools Nancale {public msg} If you have ever seen the boards you know what
an impression they make on the viewer Mommyo {public msg} What other things
does your group do? Ron {public msg} Is the picture collection project the
most important project for UA at this time? Are there others you're
looking for advocacy as well? Nancale {public msg} We held a Power of One
conference in Dc 2 years ago to train parents in advocating for their
children Nancale {public msg} We have put together the Rally in DC for two
years Dylansmom27 {public msg} ? Nancale {public msg} we have a net work
of Representatives all over the USA and in other countries Ron {public msg}
great stuff , thanks Ron {public msg} how does the rep network
work? Nancale {public msg} who are ready to help parents Nancale {public
msg} there is a map on our website. Just click your state and you will get the e
mail addresses and phone # of Reps in your state Mommyo {public msg} what
kind of help do your reps give Nancale {public msg} they can tell a parent
what might be available in the area of schools, doctors, therapist,
assistance Nancale {public msg} it is a very one on one personal type of
network Mommyo {public msg} are your reps other parents Nancale {public
msg} most are parents, some are therapist, grandparents like myself Nancale
{public msg} the reps also help us with projects throughout the year Nancale
{public msg} as well as fundraising Mommyo {public msg} Do they have to be
specially trained Nancale {public msg} we have an exciting new project that
will debut next week Nancale {public msg} we aide the reps with the latest
information available and they secure the local info Mommyo {public msg} that
sounds like a wonderful service Nancale {public msg} we do have training
seminars when the funds allow Nancale {public msg} Mommyo visit the
website and let me know what you think Moderator {public msg} excellent
beautiful has a question Mommyo {public msg} what kind of fundraising do you
do Excellentbeautiful2002 {public msg} How can we get those pictures to come
to our area? Nancale {public msg} we have a wide variety Nancale {public
msg} reps can also chose a fundraisers that they want to do Nancale {public
msg} If you would like to be added to the UA mailing list just send me you e
mail address Excellentbeautiful2002 {public msg} And how much does it cost to
participate? Nancale {public msg} there is no cost Moderator {public
msg} dylansmom has a question Nancale {public msg} we do ask for a $5
donation with the picture to help us pay for the new boards Dylansmom27
{public msg} Is there not going to be a DC rally in 2003 or are we only doing
state by state rallies? Nancale {public msg} we are not planning a DC Rally
this year, but instead are asking our Reps to have local Rallies that are more
accessible to parents Nancale {public msg} Doing a DC Rally it terribly
expensive Dylansmom27 {public msg} yes I remember Nancale {public msg} and
as you all know it is hard for a parent of a special needs child to
travel Ron {public msg} I've been there for two of them. UA does a
great job organizing this, it's very labor intensive as well Dylansmom27
{public msg} but it was also a wonderful bonding experience for us parents, and
families Dylansmom27 {public msg} I met some great people Dylansmom27
{public msg} including you!!! Nancale {public msg} Thanks Ron.. They take a
big part of the year to get together and lots of $$ Nancale {public msg}
Thanks Lynn.. I sure enjoyed our time together! Dylansmom27 {public msg} me
too Nancale {public msg} It is a real joy for us to met our reps face to
face Moderator {action} . o O ( what role do your wonderful reps play?
) Ellennjuarep {public msg} I went to the rally 2 yrs ago BEFORE I was a UA
Rep Ellennjuarep {public msg} I couldn't go this yr because of family health
problems Ellennjuarep {public msg} The reps here in NJ are currently in the
beginning stages of planning a Rally at our State Capitol Nancale {public
msg} We are hearing that there are many states already planning Rallies and
Conferences for 2003 Moderator {public msg} that's wonderful Nancale
{public msg} We had a great Conference here in Atlanta area last March and one
this Oct and there is another planned for march 2003 Mommyo {public msg}
? Nancale {public msg} and even if you are not near your state capital you
can do a Rally in your area Nancale {public msg} Atlanta is always nice!!
lol Moderator {public msg} Mommyo has a question Mommyo {public msg}
Do you have reps in every state? and how do the families in need find out about
your service? Nancale {public msg} a Rally doesn't have to big huge it just
has to serve the needs of those in your area Nancale {public msg} we have a
few states not covered... Nancale {public msg} the parents can go to our
website and click on Parent@Parent. this will throw up the map.. If you are not
happy with the help you get, try another rep or e mail me Mommyo
{public msg} But if they never heard of your org. how can they find out there is
a service Mommyo {public msg} Do you advertise Nancale {public msg} we
want parents to know that they have power and that one at a time we can make a
difference for our children Mommyo {public msg} and do you go to allot of
conferences Nancale {public msg} we go to a lot of conferences Nancale
{public msg} we have a great website Nancale {public msg} we also have
products that we sell Mommyo {public msg} I am just asking, because there are
so many people in need, and not enough help out there Mommyo {public msg} So
many people can't find resources Nancale {public msg} great tees, caps, golf
balls, jackets, pins Dylansmom27 {public msg} ? Nancale {public msg} we
have a wonderful cookbook ready for printing. just waiting to raise the funds to
print it Nancale {public msg} hundreds of parents contributed their
recipes Ron {public msg} Mommyo, remember expertfind, talkautism's online
resource directory that everybody can add to (sorry nancy) Nancale {public
msg} Mommyo what state are you in Mommyo {public msg} NJ Mommyo {public
msg} I feel very lucky here Ellennjuarep {public msg} Mommyo..... Nancale
{public msg} well, NJ sure has a large and active autism
community Ellennjuarep {public msg} Feel free to email me if you'd like
to...I am a rep for UA in NJ Mommyo {public msg} Thanks Moderator {public
msg} dylansmom has a question Ellennjuarep {public msg} my email
address is Nancale
{public msg} We have a Michigan UA rep and also a Mass. Rep here tonight Ron
{public msg} welcome Mich., and Mass Rebecca {public msg} Nice to have you
all ;o) Ron {public msg} ? Moderator {public msg} Ron ask
away Nancale {public msg} I live in GA but frequent Maine where my grandson
with autism lives Dylansmom27 {public msg} Nancy, I feel that I don't do
enough to spread the word on the local level, how can I do that? We don't have a
whole lot of conference in my area. Should I print flyers and put them in
doctors offices? Ron {public msg} how similar are the state rep's issues from
one state to another? Ron {public msg} or resources to tap into? Nancale
{public msg} I am afraid that they can be totally different.. especially the
services Ron {public msg} it seems that way, do the reps network with each
other in some way? Nancale {public msg} Lynn Printing the flyer is a
good idea Nancale {public msg} Lynn remind me and I will send you some info
to use Nancale {public msg} we have a Rep listserv and a rep
website Nancale {public msg} reps that live close work together but it is
also a job that you can do alone if that is the way you work best Dylansmom27
{public msg} ? Nancale {public msg} Lynn Printing and passing out literature
is good Nancale {public msg} you more info to use for that Nancale {public
msg} we also want parents to know that there is no 'ONE WAY' That each
child and each family is different Nancale {public msg} UA appreciates each
individual situation and each parents choices Mommyo {public msg} I agree
with UA on individual free choice without judgment Nancale {public msg} we
also encourage our reps to work with other autism groups and
organizations Geoff {public msg} Just wanted to wish my favorite Grandma a
Happy Thanksgiving Nancale {public msg} Thanks Buddy Nancale {public msg}
no one lives with your child but you.. we are here to encourage and enlighten
and support Ron {public msg} is there something with the current federal
legislation (and vaccines) that UA is taking a part in? And how does UA
take part? Nancale {public msg} if we cannot help you we will direct you to a
group that can..or at least try Nancale {public msg} we take part by
encouraging parents to speak up Ron {public msg} do other groups ask UA to
advocate for their causes? Nancale {public msg} which means call , write and
fax your governmental representatives Geoff {public msg} especially Trent
Lott after January first Nancale {public msg} let them know that you are a
voter and that you have concerns for the decisions that they are making as your
representatives Nancale {public msg} other groups do ask us to help and when
we can we do Geoff {public msg} Lott has stated that the amendments would be
removed next year Geoff {public msg} we need to hold him to his word Geoff
{public msg} or burn him Nancale {public msg} they are my family, not by
blood but by the love of children Nancale {public msg} have you all seen the
article today in Reuters Ron {public msg} How are the reps chosen? Geoff
{public msg} good question Nancale {public msg} I will mass mail it later
tonight Ron {public msg} what's it about? Nancale {public msg} we have an
application process and a commitment Geoff {public msg} How did I become a
rep Geoff {public msg} smiley face doesn't work Ellennjuarep {public msg}
is that the article about sealing the vaccine records Nancy? Nancale {public
msg} Reuters is about Bush wanting to lock away info on the vaccine
injury suit MI-ua-rep {public msg} I saw the story and it makes me
sick Ellennjuarep {public msg} yep, that's it...I saw it Ron {public msg}
oh yeah! MI-ua-rep {public msg} Attorneys for the Bush administration asked a
federal court on Monday to order that documents on hundreds of cases of autism
allegedly caused by childhood vaccines be kept from the public. Nancale
{public msg} Geoff you scared me into it!!! lol Ron {public msg} Geoff
scaring anybody, impossible Geoff {public msg} it must have been the
check Nancale {public msg} well I hope we get a new picture of each of your
children in the spectrum ASAP Geoff {public msg} I have been in contact with
Mary Matlin at the White House and will reach out to her in the AM about
this Ron {public msg} yes, we'll all spread the word Nancale {public
msg} thanks Geoff {public msg} What else do I have to do. Moderator
{public msg} Thank you Nancale for a very interesting chat tonight.
We appreciate you spending the time with us to spread the word..SEND those
pictures in! Ron {public msg} Nancy -- thanks for all the hard work, showing
what grand moms can do, and connecting all the UA reps. Rebecca {public msg}
Thank you Nancy! Nancale {public msg} great Geoff.. also we are asking every
one to fax the Whitehouse and ask the president to hold a conference on
Autism Ron {public msg} Thanks Moderator and Rebecca. for lot
more info. Let's keep working together Geoff {public msg} Keep up the
great work Nancy...Love YA Nancale {public msg} let's all work together and
get this job done@@ autism {public msg} Adrian from NJ wants to wish all you
wonderful people a great Holiday. You all will be on my list of blessings I have
to be thankful for. Rebecca {public msg} Please watch the talkAutism Guest
Speaker schedule for further listings. Also, this room is always open for
gatherings. Nancale {public msg} Thanks to you all autism {public msg}
Thanks you Nancy for all that you do for all of us!!! Nancale {public msg} I
thank you all !!