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Author: Vicki Iovine "TITLE: The Girlfriends' Philosophy
Thursday, November 7th at 7 p.m. (Eastern), Note portions of the text have been edited for
spelling and grammatical errors, while other text with errors was left in tact
in the context of the
Rebecca { public msg
} Hello and Welcome to’s Specialty Chat Auditorium. If you
have a question for our Host, Vicki Iovine Author of "The Girlfriends Guide to
Pediatric Eczema". Just type a "?" in the room. The names will be taken in order
received. Please hold your questions until you are cued. Please refrain from
general chit chat not involving the Topic. Thanks! Vicki Iovine {public msg}
I am glad to have a chance to talk to you about my latest project, which is
really my sixth publication. Moderator {public msg} It's wonderful to have
you Vicki, we're excited about it too. Vicki Iovine {public msg} In a long
line of girlfriend's guide starting with the girlfriend's guide to pregnancy. I
have four children, two boys and two girls and every single one has had asthma,
hay fever or eczema or lucky us all three. So this is a subject I am very
interested in. Vicki Iovine {public msg} Are any of the people in the
auditorium the parents of children with eczema? Rebecca {public msg}
? Vicki Iovine {public msg} I want to tell you a lil' bit about eczema to get
the ball rolling. First nearly 20% of all Americans will have or have had
eczema. Of those 90% have their first episode at the age of 5. Eczema may look
like a rash on the knees or elbows or on the inside of back of legs...hands and
feet are common places. My lil' daughter had her first outbreak on the day of
her christening and it was all over her face. I was so devastated I wanted to
cancel the photographer. Vicki Iovine {public msg} I think the most agonizing
aspects for children the terrible itching and the mild disfigurement that occurs
during a flare up. Goodfellow {public msg} I have it on my feet...had it
since childhood. Vicki Iovine {public msg} Goodfellow, do u have hay fever or
asthma? Rebecca {action} . o O ( Vicki, njmom1231 wanted me to tell you, She
loves your books. They have gotten her through some very tough mommy times.
) Goodfellow {public msg} no....why? Vicki Iovine {public msg} I hope that
we can continue that tradition with the girlfriends guide to pediatric
eczema. Vicki Iovine {public msg} Good fellow , usually its part of a triad
of diseases. Do you take any medication, do u have it constantly or go
away? Vicki Iovine {public msg} When it flares up do you take
medication? Goodfellow {public msg} It usually goes....sometimes I use a
steroid salve on it... Vicki Iovine {public msg} Well one of the greatest
innovations in relieving eczema in children particular. Is that the medication
have no cortisone or steroids whatsoever. One of the newest products that
supported my book on pediatric eczema has a product called Elidel. Goodfellow
{public msg} I used eruea (sp?) cream as a kid Vicki Iovine {public msg} I am
not familiar with that...have you tried anything pro-topic, an
ointment. Goodfellow {public msg} It is an ointment. Vicki Iovine {public
msg} That is why Elidel is better it is a vanishing cream. Moderator {public
msg} Rebecca has a question, go ahead Rebecca. Rebecca {public msg} At what
age does it , can it, come about? And, Is this typical, like teen acne? I had
teen acne, preteen age and on. Vicki Iovine {public msg} It can come shortly
after birth or at anytime in your life but 90% of all people get their first
case before the age of five. Goodfellow {public msg} ? Rebecca {public
msg} Sort of like baby acne? Only it never clears up? Vicki Iovine {public
msg} Rebecca does your child have baby acne? Rebecca {public msg} My daughter
did, it comes and goes Vicki Iovine {public msg} That is very key feature.
what we are learning now is to control how often it comes and goes. We have
learned for example that children prone to eczema should take lukewarm or tepid
baths. They should use mild soaps like Dove. Rebecca {public msg} ahhhh,
ok. Vicki Iovine {public msg} They should not wear synthetic fibers close to
the skin, including elastic. Rebecca {public msg}I thought sitting in her own
dirt my aid in its growth, Vicki Iovine {public msg} And most important is
MOISTURIZE. Rebecca {public msg} Opening the pours. Wow was I wrong! Vicki
Iovine {public msg} There are so many myths about eczema, some say it's cause
you wash your kids too much. Goodfellow {public msg} (I had to wear white
cotton socks cuz of it... Vicki Iovine {public msg} Or you don't wash them
enough. Rebecca {public msg} Yep, that is so true! Vicki Iovine {public
msg} Clearly hygiene is important so u don't get secondary bacterial infections,
otherwise eczema is an auto immune disorder, it's not caused by a germ or
contamination and, it is not contagious. Rebecca {public msg} So, it’s
hereditary? Goodfellow {action} Thought it was genetic...... Guest63 {
public msg } ? Vicki Iovine {public msg} Goodfellow, cotton is a friend to
all eczema sufferers, two thin layers is better than one thick
layer. Goodfellow {action} . o O ( and more comfy too ) Vicki Iovine
{public msg} Goodfellow, there are genetics components, in the same way that
allergies tend to run in families. Vicki Iovine {public msg} Rebecca, not
precisely. If a parent has it, a child has a bigger chance of getting it. A
child can get it even if there is no family history of eczema. This has been
most noticed by immigrants to the U.S. for example....people who have moved from
a tropical climate and then moved to Minnesota get eczema, their skin wasn't
prepared for this cold dry weather. Rebecca {public msg} I see, Thanks
Vicki. Vicki Iovine {public msg} I would like to talk about another problem
with children who have eczema. That is their self esteem. Just as a child with a
birthmark on its face, or a physical deformity. Feels pointed out and made fun
of by other children. Goodfellow {action} . o O ( I find that dry arid
situations, like snowy area, or desert areas....tend to aggravate mine....
) Vicki Iovine {public msg} Children with eczema are often made fun of or
ignored. Even by the other children's parents. Vicki Iovine {public msg} My
children on a ski slope look like their cheeks are going to fall off. But I have
found that Aqua4 and Vaseline help minimize the problem. Moderator {public
msg} Goodfellow had a specific question, go ahead Goodfellow, unless it was
already answered Goodfellow {public msg} well.....childhood illnesses and
such... Vicki Iovine {public msg} Like what? Goodfellow {public msg}} I
had chicken pox as a kid....and shingles a few years ago.... Vicki Iovine
{public msg} Those can be considered second cousins to eczema. Because they too
are auto immune diseases. Rebecca {public msg} Any other Questions on the
Topic? Please post a ? in the room. Moderator {public msg} Ok, we'll take the
next question from Guest63, please go ahead guest Guest63 {public msg} What
can I do to prevent it? Vicki Iovine {public msg} You can't prevent
it. Guest63 {public msg} wow Vicki Iovine {public msg} You can limit the
number of times that it happens and get relief from it much sooner than ever
before. Guest63 {public msg} is the 2 much or 2 little bathing thing a
myth? Vicki Iovine {public msg} and that is through immediately visiting the
doctor if you suspect that your child has an eczema patch. it's very easy for a
doctor to diagnose, it doesn't require a blood test, no needles and you will
learn such things that trigger outbreaks. in some it's stress. many times you
can avoid these things but not completely, when avoidance can try
prescription creams and ointments available through your doctor. Guest65
{public msg} ? Vicki Iovine {public msg} Princess {public msg}
? Guest63 {public msg} What about the bathing myth, though? Vicki Iovine
{public msg} Too much or too lil' Bathing is a myth, hot water may aggravate it
and harsh soap may also. Guest63 {public msg} If my child gets lots of rashes
- is she prone to eczema? Vicki Iovine {public msg} Where does she get
rashes? Guest63 {public msg} Her abdomen, sometimes her cheeks and
forehead. Vicki Iovine {public msg} That sounds like eczema to me, it sounds
like she already has it Guest63 {public msg} But it’s not dry and our doctor
has never raised the possibility. Vicki Iovine {public msg} Does it
itch? Guest63 {public msg} But no, doesn't seem to itch her (she's only
2.) Vicki Iovine {public msg} The one thing I can tell you is diaper rash is
almost never eczema. I would just keep mild moisturizing cream on it like
Eucerin. Guest63 {public msg} Ok, thanks. Moderator {public msg} Guest65
had the next question, go ahead Guest65. Guest65 {public msg} I'm taking my 3
yr in for allergy testing next week. She's been using Elocon for 2+ years. I'm
tired of steroids and hope to find out cause to avoid outbreaks. Vicki Iovine
{public msg} Sure. Vicki Iovine {public msg} I think you are doing the right
thing and you should mention Elidel cream to your doctor as an alternative to
steroids. Guest65 {public msg} The allergist mentioned a couple of creams
that prevent outbreaks that are not steroid. Is Elidel that type? Vicki
Iovine {public msg} The two I know of are called Protopic and Elidel both of
which are fairly new. Vicki Iovine {public msg} Yes Elidel is that
type. Guest65 {public msg} Okay...thanks. I think it's pretty odd that she
has an identical twin with no skin problems. Vicki Iovine {public msg} Huh, I
wonder how identical people can really be. Guest65 {public msg} You would
think that eczema would be a shared trait? Rebecca {action} . o O ( Perhaps
one received more auto immunities than the other? ) Vicki Iovine {public msg}
I would think so, do they any other shared allergies? Vicki Iovine {public
msg} Rebecca, sounds like an explanation to me but I am not a doctor. Rebecca
{public msg} Just a thought ;) Guest65 {public msg} Not to my knowledge...the
other twin has hemangiomas. Vicki Iovine {public msg} I don't know if they
are related or not. Guest65 {public msg} Thanks...I just wanted to find out
if going to allergist was right step. Vicki Iovine {public msg} Yes it
is. Moderator {public msg} Princess has the next question, go ahead
Princess. Princess {public msg} As a teacher how can I be more sensitive to
students with eczema? Vicki Iovine {public msg} The most important message to
get across to parents and students alike. Is that eczema is absolutely not
contagious. Then talk to the parent of the child with eczema and come up with a
battle plan for the child to take responsibility for teaching classmates about
eczema and how it limits his life and yet how similar he is to the rest of the
kids he is. Princess {public msg} I teach pre k and the other students so far
don't make a big deal about the one child. Vicki Iovine {public msg} That is
wonderful. Princess {public msg} What if the child doesn't want to talk about
it? Vicki Iovine {public msg} Perhaps this is a good time to talk about it
while it doesn't seem to bother anyone. If the child doesn't want to talk about
it then respect his decision, but I find that with a doctor and parents who are
supportive should empower the child and teach other children about it. Vicki
Iovine {public msg} Another key to suspecting that your child may have eczema is
if they scratch in their sleep. Children with eczema sleep
uncomfortably. Rebecca {public msg} ? Vicki Iovine {public msg} that is
why it's a good idea to keep fingernails cut short. Moderator {public msg}
Rebecca has the next question, go ahead Rebecca Vicki Iovine {public msg} Go
ahead. Rebecca {public msg} Is it a bad idea to teach the classroom on this
topic? educate them? Seeing that most of this class will be together on up
through the grades? Or would it embarrass that child. Vicki Iovine {public
msg} I think that differences among children are always good to talk about
especially while they are young and open minded. Keep in mind that nearly one
fifth of the population will have eczema. so I will be surprised if you have
really only one child with eczema. Rebecca {public msg} How would you
approach a class room of that age children, tenderly, so as not to embarrass the
one child though? Vicki Iovine {public msg} sometimes it's very freeing for
other parents who are hiding it. Princess {public msg} Interesting.. we do
always seem to have at least one child in the class. Vicki Iovine {public
msg} I would say, raise your hand to the students, if you have ever been
embarrassed about how you look or feel. start broad and then one child may say "
I don't like my curly hair". Rebecca {public msg} ah very good
approach! Vicki Iovine {public msg} another may say "I have a
birthmark". Vicki Iovine {public msg} let children talk about anything that
makes them feel different or embarrassed. Princess {public msg} yes, that is
a great idea. Vicki Iovine {public msg} I recommend this approach through
sixth, seventh and eighth grade. Vicki Iovine {public msg} Thank
you. Princess {public msg} ? Vicki Iovine {public msg} ok, go
ahead. Moderator {public msg} yes, go ahead Princess Princess {public msg}
Is there anything I should keep on hand in the class room? Princess {public
msg} She has her ointment, but anything else? Vicki Iovine {public msg} I
would say to keep moisturizer like hand lotion near the sink. Rebecca {public
msg} How about her guide? Vicki Iovine {public msg} So the children can apply
it as needed. Rebecca {public msg} I meant for the parents. Vicki Iovine
{public msg} You should offer the guide to the whole class, her
anyone. Princess {public msg} I'll definitely check out your guide,
thanks. Princess {public msg} Is it something I can show the kids? Vicki
Iovine {public msg} I think on that note if everyone will excuse's
almost six o'clock here and I have four kids to feed. Princess {public msg}
Thank you for your time! Vicki Iovine {public msg} I have enjoyed this very
much and hope I was of some help. Moderator {public msg} Thank you for your
time Vicki. Princess {public msg} Yes, thank you. Rebecca {public msg}
Thank you for your time Vicki! We would love to have you back
sometime. Rebecca {public msg} Thanks Moderator. Vicki Iovine {leaves}