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Tuesday, June 4th at 7 p.m. (Eastern), Note portions of the text have been edited for
spelling and grammatical errors, while other text with errors was left in tact
in the context of the
Moderator {public msg}Welcome to
Today's Specialty Guest Host,Joni M. Jones RN "Title: Nutritional Management in
Autism: Taking a Systematic Approach, Please private message our Moderator,
stating that you have a Question (/tell moderator question). Please keep open
chatting to a minimal. Thank You
Moderator {public msg}First lets
welcome Joni Jones and have her say a few words then we will start the
Joni JonesRN{public msg}
learning the basic physiology of the digestive system and relating it to the
effects of autism provides the education need to select an optimal nutrition
Joni JonesRN{public msg}
providing quality products is important, evaluation of each. child's needs and
monitoring individual responses is equally important.
Joni JonesRN{public msg}
utilizing clinical data sheet s provide information needed to minimize symptoms
of detoxification, evaluate responses and tailor an individual program.A well
nourished body does not make mistakes. Thank you for having me
Moderator {public msg} Ron you
have a question
Ron {public msg} What are
enzymes and why are they important?
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Enzymes
are catalyst and needed for every chemical reaction to occur in the body, organs
cannot function and we would die without enzymes. Enzymes start the entire
digestive process and keep our intestinal tract functioning
Ron {public msg} I'm assuming
we're talking about enzyme supplements??
Joni JonesRN{public msg} There
are digestive enzymes, metabolic enzymes, enzymes our body
Joni JonesRN{public msg} there
are thousands of different enzymes in our bodies. Enzyme supplements are to help
digest the foods we eat
Ron {public msg} How do you know
which enzymes our kids need?
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Society
has diminished enzymes that used to be in abundance in our soils and whole
foods. Its not enzymes alone. We need to support the body systematically so it
can work optimally.
Plant based enzymes have been
researched in depth by Dr. Howell to digest the foods that we eat.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} He
picked the oryzae strain because there are no harmful aflatoxins associated with
this plant and its the very same enzyme that the human body uses to digest food.
Please know that the body supported will help with all individual issues
autistic or not
mettuck {public msg} I have
limited the amount fruit my son eat because of 'phenol issues', lately have have
let him have more fruit, but he seems a bit off- would enzymes
Joni JonesRN{public msg} yes,
but remember it is not enzymes alone. Enzymes help digest the food so it does
not stick to the wall of the intestinal tract.
kan {public msg} Are fruits bad
for our autistic kids??? Mine loves fruit and fruit juice.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} The
intestinal tract is the foundation of good health.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} No
fruits are not bad.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} in
today's culture, we all need to supplement with enzymes.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} We
cannot live in a bubble but we can support our body to live in
Joni JonesRN{public msg} The
intestinal tract is where we absorb nutrients rid toxins, produce vitamin B12 to
enhance the immune system. Our intestinal tract cannot do this job when
undigested food stays on the wall. Toxins build up, the undigested food
permeates through the wall and travels to every organ including the
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Some
may be familiar with leaky gut syndrome. There is no way to take a cut and paste
approach to nourish the body. You need to support the body in full for it to do
its job. When enzymes are deficient in one organ it will rob from another.
Remember enzymes are needed for every chemical reaction to occur. I counsel
without charge providing education and utilizing resources that offer testing
when needed. We as caregivers need to be educated and take everything in our own
hands. We use clinical data sheets that monitor your child's individual
responses. I send clinical data sheets to review and counsel on individual
needs. I supply information including research.
Moderator {public msg} <b>
Just a little tired has a question Joni
just-a-little-tired {public msg}
Are you familiar with Houston Nutraceuticals Inc products?
Joni JonesRN{public msg}
Momm001 {public msg} Please
explain the difference of minerals/enzymes like Omega-3's and other
neurotransmitters effectors (is this a
just-a-little-tired {public msg}
do you recommend their products or are there better products
Joni JonesRN{public msg} it is
not enzymes alone that support our children and I don't want to get in the
middle of the politics with Houston and the Dan Doctors.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} The AFA
strain has the Omega 3 and Omega 6 in a natural balanced state it is an organic
whole food created by mother nature. Not made by a lab. Glycine naturally occurs
to calm the nervous system all the elements, vitamins, amino acids are in an
easily absorbed form. It is a whole food. The body takes what it needs and
eliminates what it doesn't. Lab tests are only a guide. there is no way that you
can perform a test with 100% accuracy that shows what individual need or do not
need. Lab tests are only a guide. There is no way that you can perform a test
with 100% accuracy that shows what individual need or do not need.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} This is
why we support the body fully and use the clinical data sheets. Just because we
take supplements does not mean we are absorbing them. There are different types
of fish oils and there are different types of flax seed.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Make
sure your fish oil is mercury free and flax seed is organic.
Moderator {public msg}
Heresmyspot has a question Joni
heresmyspot {public msg} What is
ndf formula and where do I buy it?
Joni JonesRN{public msg}
NDF formula is made from certified organic raw whole foods. It is not
fractionated or synthesized. To get full information go to
Contact me privately for a practitioner that will counsel you on this.
it is an oral chelator of heavy
metals. It targets the whole body, including the soft tissue, circulatory system
and central nervous system. Laboratory verified consistent decrease in metals
with urinary output in the first urination. Real time EEG verified normalization
of brain waves 13-20 minutes following the dose.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} it rids
the body of heavy metals including mercury, arsenic, cadminum, cobalt, aluminum,
lead, platinum, thaluim and nickel without loosing valuable
Moderator {public msg} ok thank
you Ron you had another question
Ron {public msg} Specifically,
what protocol would you recommend parents take with a two year old who is
diagnosed autistic?
Joni JonesRN{public msg} When
undigested food sits on the intestinal tract PH levels drop yeast over grows.
Also antibiotic therapy is basically automatic yeast development. I start slow
with enzymes and probiotics only.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} People
should know acidophilus functions in the small intestines only.
Ron {public msg} and how do you
know which ones and how much?
Joni JonesRN{public msg} There
are 300 different kinds of bacteria in the intestinal tract about seven pounds
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Even a
two year old has an individual tracking sheet. You start slow observe signs of
detoxification. If ok you slowly increase the products weekly until the clinical
data sheet numbers are expectable. There are 200 different kinds of
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Store
bought yogurt will not give a quality strain of acidophilus.
Ron {public msg} Can you explain
how the tracking sheet or clinical data sheet works?
Joni JonesRN{public msg} if your
child is GFCF additional nutritional support is needed. The tracking sheets have
3 parts
1: Signs of
2: Behavioral signs
3: Physical symptom checklist
addressing all the organs in the body
Joni JonesRN{public msg} for
example: behaviors include activity, self stimming, emotional control, focus,
eye contact, etc. Symptoms include sleep difficulties, dark circles under eyes,
bowel movements, eczema, appetite, energy, etc. The GFCF diet shows if your
child is sensitive or lacks the enzymes needed to break these proteins down. It
does not address the reason why a child is sensitive to it or does not break it
down. My son Adam will be seen on the back cover of Autism Asperger Digest next
month. My husband and I are featured May/June issue because of our son's
astounding recovery.
Mommysboy {public msg} how would
we determine if gfcf diet is right?
Joni JonesRN{public msg} He was
a severe head banger with over 20 traits of autism.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Gluten
and casin's are proteins. When not broken down, they form peptides that travel
to the brain that cause negative behaviors-sort of morphine induced like
behaviors. Taking a nutritional log will show changes in behaviors relating to
specific foods that are eaten. If a child takes gluten and casin and becomes
behavioral there is a good chance he/she is sensitive or simply cannot break it
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Go to or look in the search for future horizons.
Moderator {public msg} kan has a
Joni JonesRN{public msg} ok
kan {public msg} Off topic, but
is there a problem r/t swimming pools & hot tubs w/ autistic
Joni JonesRN{public msg}
Chlorine is absorbed through the skin and destroys the good bacteria in the
intestinal tract. Shower nozzles should have filters.
disbegoogie {public msg} What
about tap water?
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Some
notice seasonal changes when their kids swim a lot in the summer.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} I never
advise tap water room temperature bottled water is more optimal.
kan {public msg} My son loves
the hot tub, what about showering afterwards.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} if you
use tap water get the water checked for content.
kristye {public msg} Our
daughter seems to do better when she does swim a lot. How is this
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Because
we cannot live in a bubble it is important that we support our bodies with good
intestinal bacteria. water has calming effects also. destruction of intestinal
bacteria will occur over more time.
ksreeves {public msg} So do you
advise never to swim in chlorinated pool or do it in moderation and support with
Joni JonesRN{public msg} You
swim in pools, you take baths, you live your life, but you support your
Moderator {public msg} <b>
Kimmie has a question
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Ok
Kimmie {public msg} what effects
are seen by new users of enzymes and how soon are they seen? What id your child
cannot swallow capsules? How do you supplement?
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Please
know for all that email me I will send a complete chapter I wrote. its hard to
get all the info out here.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} First
of all, everyone must go slow to avoid signs of detoxification. Capsules can be
opened and mixed in foods or drinks. I will send you a copy from my web if you
email me privately.
Kimmie {public msg} yes, please
do. What is your email?
Joni JonesRN{public msg}
Everybody's responses are individual. One size does not fit all.
Joni JonesRN{public msg}
Moderator {public msg} <b>
Winterwind has a question
Joni JonesRN{public msg} ok
Winterwind {public msg} My son
has shown allergies to certain foods (milk/all dairy, peanuts) and tested
positive for a blood test with these along with eggs. I also think he has a
problem with yeast. How do we work with these variables with the
Joni JonesRN{public msg} For
those who choose this method, they still need to enhance absorption and
eliminate byproducts and replace minerals. Most sensitivities are not true
allergies. What happens is the undigested food sticks to the wall causing an
inflamed intestinal tract.
Winterwind {public msg} He ended
up with breathing problems from the dairy along with hive like reaction
face/neck etc.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Once
the intestines functions optimally and the gut is healed, it is no longer
sensitive to the irritation. True allergies would induce an anaphylactic such as
a true peanut allergy and must be avoided.
Winterwind {public msg} One more
query, my son is extremely. selective with what he accepts in eating, how can we
help this? Do you have any recommendations? A diet will be important with this
program it sounds like.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} The
body regenerates and over produces HCL when it is enzyme deficient. When
supported the body does not need to compensate and no longer over produces
hydrochloric acid. Zinc deficiency is associated with poor appetites. The algae
contains all necessary elements. Nuk brushing may help with texture
difficulties. My son only ate 2 foods now eats almost everything.
Moderator {public msg} Deb has a
Deb {public msg} We gave my son
a bottle of oral chelation and his practitioner thought he would need another.
Does that sound right? is it safe?
Joni JonesRN{public msg} I don't
know what oral chelation you are talking about.
Deb {public msg} Metal
Joni JonesRN{public msg} is it
the organic whole food?
Joni JonesRN{public msg} is it
chemically formulated?
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Just
because you take a product does not mean you are absorbing it.
Joni JonesRN{public msg}
Autistic kids have difficulties with absorption and this needs to be addressed
Deb {public msg} Dietary
Joni JonesRN{public msg} When
you chelate you must move metals out of the body otherwise they relodge in other
areas. Brushing, compressing, trampoline, room temperature bottled water and
bowel movements 2-3 times a day is helpful in ridding toxins from the
Moderator {public msg}Mmw has a
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Ok
Mmw {public msg} What enzymes or
probiotics (type, not brand) do you recommend starting with?
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Plant
based enzymes and depending on the individual I will either use bifidus or
spectrabiotic with acidophilus.
Mmw {public msg} Can I do this
myself or do I need a DAN doctor or other practitioner?
Joni JonesRN{public msg}
Remember bifidus works only in the large intestines acidophilus in the small
pwalker714 {public msg} DAN-
Defeat Autism Now
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Small
intestines aid in absorption of nutrients large intestines removes
Joni JonesRN{public msg} This is
not the DAN protocol, but interestingly the nurse who organizes the conferences
has been on this program herself for 10 years. To get an individual program and
educated on the digestive system and products you cannot do this alone. This is
why I counsel and I do it without charge. The company offers a 90 day money back
guarantee. For all those who fill out the data sheets and keep up communication
do well. The hard part is the transition phase from detoxification to
maintenance. Remember this is not a quick fix, supporting the body entirely
takes about 6 months to a year. This includes cellular function and organ
Moderator {public msg}Just a
little has a question.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Ok just
a little.
just-a-little-tired {public msg}
How long did it take for you to see results with your son?
Joni JonesRN{public msg}
Remember also secretin has benefits in autism. Both my sons were 3 months.
Secretin is secreted from our own villi in the intestinal wall. When we heal the
gutt, get rid of inflammation, remove the sludge, we produce our own
Joni JonesRN{public msg} My
article will give details on my sons recovery.
Moderator {public msg} Mommysboy
has a question.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Ok
Mommysboy {public msg} My 12 yr
old is non-verbal which makes it difficult for me because I cannot ask him how
he feels. He was diagnosed with severe stomach ulcers. They found h pylori and
he had to have triple-drug therapy. Is this common? Did this come from his diet.
How did this happen and is there a way to maintain it without prescription
Joni JonesRN{public msg} 1: For
nonverbal children we need to look at expressions behaviors sleep patterns
Joni JonesRN{public msg} He
needs to neutralize the acid in his. stomach
BMommysboy {public msg}
Joni JonesRN{public msg} I would
recommend PH test strip testing for him. Also support his body with the meds
initially. This will help their absorptionand removal of byproducts. With him,
intestinal testing and clinical symptoms would help us in tytrating any meds or
dosages in the future. The stomach lining can be healed.
Mommysboy {public msg} Thank,
Joni JonesRN{public msg} But
again the body needs to be fully supported.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} it is
not a cut and paste situation. We are so conditioned to that. The meds do not
address the reason why the ulcers came about in the first place.
Moderator {public msg} Mamaof2
has a question.
mamaof2 {public msg} I noticed
earlier you had mentioned that Glycine helps to calm the nervous system. If our
autistic children also have sensory integration dysfunction, which is believed
to be due to a highly aroused nervous system, would Glycine help? What foods is
Glycine found, and are there supplements for this?
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Glycine
is naturally found in the algae.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Also
with sensory integration dysfunction email me privately I will help
mamaof2 {public msg} Thank you.
will do.
Moderator {public msg} Walderus
has a question
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Ok
wadesrus {public msg} We live in
the middle of Iowa without the support of any DR. Informed about alternative
protocols...where do we start? What do you recommend?
Joni JonesRN{public msg} I
counsel on this program and refer if necessary, to people who assist in lab
testing or further support if indicated. This company also ships
internationally. I counsel anyway people like. Phone, or email or in
wadesrus {public msg} Our
insurance doesn't cover anything out of state and we are flat broke...any other
Joni JonesRN{public msg} This
company does offer networking support so if you are happy with the program I
counsel others for free that you recommend and sign them under you so you get
money back. Many get their products for free. Email me and I will discuss some
fund raising ideas with you.
wadesrus {public msg} Thank you
so much! I really really appreciate it!
Joni JonesRN{public msg} its not
my product or company so I cannot give the products away just education and my
Moderator {public msg} <b>
Winterwind has a question
Joni JonesRN{public msg} ok
Winterwind {public msg} This is
my first bit of info on this I have no clue what to do. What does a parent do to
even begin?
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Email
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Each
case is individualized.
Moderator {public msg} You may
contact her at
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Every
caregiver must become educated to make informed decisions.
Winterwind {public msg} Thank
Joni JonesRN{public msg} I'm
only here to help support you. I never tell people what to do I empower them to
make logical decisions based on education. I am a parent.
Moderator {public msg} We have
had a lot of people come in late, does anyone have a question.
heresmyspot {public msg} What
was the site for ndf again can't read my writing
Joni JonesRN{public msg}
heresmyspot {public msg}
Joni JonesRN{public msg} I will
send the full chapter I wrote to all those interested.
bug {public msg} How can I get
headlock {public msg} Joni,
Thanks so much for coming
Joni JonesRN{public msg} email
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Thanks
so much for having me
Joni JonesRN{public msg} There
is so much information
wadesrus {public msg} Thank you
so much for giving up your time Joni! it has been a pleasure meeting
Mitchell {public msg} What do
you know about chelating homeopathically?
Joni JonesRN{public msg} The
chlorophyl in the algae is a great detoxifier and oxygenator. Also the body rids
toxins from the body. Supporting the body will help detoxify on a daily basis.
Toxic overload with other chelating agents is the choice of organic whole food
such as the NDF formula or for those that choose chemical derived products. you
still need to support your body so you don't get toxic again.
mmitchell {public msg} is it
harmful to young children? Are there side effects?
Joni JonesRN{public msg} You
need to address the reason why you are so toxic in the first place. Organic
whole food is not harmful.
bug {public msg} What do you
mean by "supporting the body? (I got in a little late)
nutrimedica {public msg} What
about liver support during detoxification?
Joni JonesRN{public msg}
Detoxifying too quickly becomes the problem. The liver is effected when
chemicals are used. That is why they monitor your liver. Chemicals are toxic to
the body. When you support with enzymes and probyotics and get your intestinal
tract functioning it takes stress off of the liver and kidneys.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} When
you cannot break down products and the byproducts accumulate, our kids become
more toxic liver is overloaded. Dark circles under the eyes are a sign of this.
Dark circles also represent adrenal gland functioning which is shown to be
highly effected in autism.
Momm001 {public msg} Have we
addressed reflux?
Joni JonesRN{public msg} We can
address reflux again.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} My son
had severe reflux. Reflux can be very painful to our kids. Our entire body
should not take a rapid detox.
Momm001 {public msg} My son has
had it since birth and now when stresses it gets really bad. They want him on
meds that they have to watch his heart for.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} This is
why every child should be monitored individually. Some initially take the meds
but it is only a quick fix to the symptom and does not address the underlying
problem. It also depresses the enzyme production even further. Once body
responds to support meds may be titrated and often eliminated. A liver function
test only shows the state of what the liver is in at that time.
mmitchell {public msg} What
should be the first tests done to determine what type of supplements and diet to
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Signs
of detoxification include head ache, mood swings, appetite changes, diarrhea,
cramping, gas, vomiting, etc.
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Money
has to be considered. If you are going to support your body systematically, you
can use the clinical sheets. You may have 21 issues in the beginning. You may
have 2 in the end. Those 2 can be evaluated and testing more fine tuned to the
issue. This saves thousands of dollars
Moderator {public msg} Momm has
a question
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Ok
Momm001 {public msg} What about
constipation - if they are eating good why do we get and how do we
Joni JonesRN{public msg}
Constipation is a symptom of poor intestinal functioning. This is why we support
the intestinal tract in its entirety. Once the balance of good bacteria and the
maintenance of free flowing digested food is established, constipation is no
longer a problem. I myself had severe problems. I had actual emergency surgery
on this program no more. Constipation needs to be addressed otherwise toxins
back up in the small intestines and are reabsorbed.
Momm001 {public msg} The Dr. has
us on mineral oil and Milk of Magnesia every day. Can we get off this
Joni JonesRN{public msg} You
would be surprised what the body can do when you give it the support it needs.
Our body is meant to regenerate. We see this when we cut ourselves and we
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Mineral
oil and mild of magnesia is only addressing the symptom. Not the reason for
constipation in the first place. With 7 pounds of intestinal bacteria, our body
needs to make bacteria. Ecoli is a perfect example. We need ecoli , some
autistic children lack it. If you took ecoli orally you could die. If ecoli gets
in the bladder you become infected.
nutrimedica {public msg} What
about flax seed, a great source of fiber and essential fatty acids.
Joni JonesRN{public msg}
Supporting the body allows it to make the enzymes and the probyotics that we
need to function optimally.We are just so conditioned in this society for quick
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Organic
flax seed is great. The algae is your best natural source of essential fatty
acids. Taken orally by vegetarian capsules or opening the capsules and mixing in
food or drink. Speech therapists can introduce a capsule swallowing program.
Weakened spinctors are further weakened by irritation from HCL. Remember this
program is a basic support. Some do fine, others need additional support. This
is not black and white. All autistic children need to be addressed as the
individuals that they are. Some have more of one product while others have more
of another. 3 months is usually all I need to show positive
For those on other programs you
still should work off of data sheets. When the numbers are good, that should be
your program. I am happy to send the data sheets to anyone who requests it, and
I am here for those that are interested in learning more about this nutritional
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Are
there any other questions?
Moderator {public msg} Thank you
Joni, I am sure Ron will post that on the boards as well, and Thank you for
spending the time with us, I hope we are able to do this again
Momm001 {public msg} Could you
give us contact information again?
mmitchell {public msg} I have
never done this chat thing before, where can I get the notes and more
information about this program?
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Email
me and I will send you information.
Moderator {public msg} mmitchell
you may contact her at the above email address. We also have the Autism boards
here at ParenthoodPlace that will have the information on it also.
Winterwind {public msg} Yes
thank you too Moderator for juggling our tells.
Moderator {public msg} We hope
we will be able to set this up again, we had a wonderful response, thank you all
for coming.
wadesrus {public msg} Thanks so
much for your time and info Joni!
Joni JonesRN{public msg} Thank